Account: Change company contact email or phone number

We want to stay in close touch with you. So, please keep us up to date so we know who should be our primary contact with your company, the email address you want us to use for payroll reminders, the public name and address for your company, and so on.

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Setup and then under Business Information, click Contact Information.)
  2. To change the public name for your company (as opposed to the filing name), change what's entered for the Business Name.
  3. To change details about the primary contact, click Edit (Name).
    1. non-IAMImportant: If you change the email address and it's already the same as the user ID, the user ID will change to match.
      IAMMake sure the Send payroll reminders to and Confirm Email fields are correct, because this is where we'll send reminders.
    2. If you need to change the Work Phone, we may need to send a security key to the existing phone for your protection.
    3. Click OK.
  4. To assign a different person as the primary contact:
    1. Click the drop-down arrow for the Primary Contact and choose <New Person>.
    2. Enter details for the new contact person.
    3. We'll give you information (you may want to print it or write it down) to give to the new primary contact so that person can sign in. Then when you click Continue, you'll return to the Setup Overview.
  5. Click OK.

To change your business address, see change your Work Location.

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