Delete a pay schedule

You can delete a pay schedule only when no employees are assigned to it. First you'll need to re-assign employees to another pay schedule.

To delete a pay schedule:

  1. Click your company name at the top right, and then click Payroll Settings.
  2. Under Payroll, click Pay Schedules.
  3. In the Pay Schedules box, click Edit next to the schedule to delete.
  4. If there's an employee still assigned to the schedule:
    1. Click the employees name at the bottom of the page.
    2. Click Edit employee.
    3. Either select an existing pay schedule under How often do you pay this employee?, or select Add new to create a new one. To modify the selected pay schedule, click the pencil icon.
    4. Click Done.
  5. After you've reassigned all employees to different pay schedules:
    1. Go back to Payroll Settings (step 1).
    2. Click Pay Schedules.
    3. Click Edit next to the pay schedule to delete.
    4. Click Delete to delete the pay schedule.

See also


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