Tax forms: Filing overview

Here's how we help you file your tax forms:

  1. We remind you when federal and state tax forms are due. We remind you by email and on the To Do page.
  2. We provide you with the necessary tax forms, and, when possible, fill out the tax forms for you.
  3. To file a tax form:
    • If you're signed up for our electronic services
      • For an electronic federal tax form, we electronically file the tax form for you when you make your electronic tax payment. All you need to do is authorize us to submit the form for you.
      • For an electronic state tax form, the method depends on
    • If you're not signed up for our electronic services
      • For federal tax forms, we prepare and fill out the form for you, but you need to print, sign, and send it to the address we provide.
      • For state tax forms, the method depends on

Forms W-2 are a special case. You don't need to sign up for our electronic services to electronically file Forms W-2. For more information, see Form W-2: Preparing and filing for federal.

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