Create an unscheduled check

Missed a payroll? Need to create a termination check for an employee? No problem. You can create an unscheduled check.

  1. On the Home page, click Create unscheduled checks.
  2. Select a pay schedule from the drop-down and then click Next.
  3. If prompted, complete selections, and then click Next.
    1. Choose whether you want to adjust the paycheck for salaried employees.
    1. Select the deductions to include on this check.
  4. Confirm the pay period and check date.
  5. You can create unscheduled checks for the current pay period all the way back to pay periods dating 6 months ago. You can't create a check with a past date. The only check dates that are available are dates that fall after your last check date and before your next payday. We do this to keep your payroll taxes error-free.

  6. Select the employees you want to create an unscheduled check for.
  7. Enter employee compensation, including any salary adjustments, vacation or sick hours, and other pay types.
  8. Click Preview Payroll, and then click Submit payroll.
  9. If you're creating a paper check, hand write or print the check and give it to the employee by the check date.

See also