Taxes: Changing state tax rates

If you need to change the state unemployment insurance (SUI) tax rate specifically, see SUI rate: Entering or changing.

Your state will send you a notice with your state tax rate if you need to change it.

When you get that notice:

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Setup > Tax Setup and then State Tax Information.)

  2. Find the tax rate you need to change.
  3. Click Change or add new rate.
  4. Referring to the notice you got from your state, enter your new rate as a percentage. For example, enter 3.4% (not .034).

    Delete a rate only if you made a mistake when you entered it and if you haven't made any payments yet at the incorrect rate. If the rate is incorrect, but you've made payments at the incorrect rate, don't delete it.

    When the tax agency notifies you that you have a new rate, or if you discover that a rate you've been using is incorrect, enter the new rate and effective date, but do not delete the previous rate. It's part of your historical records.

  5. Enter the Effective Date provided in the notice from your state.
  6. Click OK.

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