Blank check stock: Setting up

What to expect

To make sure we're using the right bank account, we'll need to complete these two steps:

These verifications can take 3-5 business days to complete. But if you've already done either of them for direct deposit, you don't need to do them again.

Set up blank check stock printing

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Setup > Preferences and then Paycheck Printing Settings.)
  2. Choose Blank check stock.

  3. Select Print 2 stubs or Print 1 stub and click OK.
  4. The next steps depend on your situation:
  5. If you needed to set up a test deposit and a PIN, wait for these two items to appear on your To Do list:You're ready to print on blank check stock. Click OK.
  6. Follow the onscreen instructions to align your blank check stock in your printer.

print checks; printing checks; buying checks; buying blank checks;



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