Paychecks: Adding boxes for deductions or pay types

Are you missing a box on the Create Paychecks page for a deduction or pay type for an employee?

It's possible you forgot to assign the item to the employee. Here's a fast way to check:

  1. From the Create Paychecks page, click the employee's name.

    Or if you're not starting from the Create Paychecks page:
    1. Go here.
      (Or click the Employees tab.)
    2. Click the employee's name.
  2. See what's set up for the employee in the section you want. For example, if you're checking for a pay type, click Edit in the Pay section.
  3. Select the item that was missing, and click OK.
  4. Click OK to confirm that you still want to pay the employee the same way (by check or direct deposit).
  5. Then start creating paychecks again as usual.

If you're missing the entire column for a pay type, the company preferences might not be set up to show it on the Create Paychecks page. To change that:

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Setup > Preferences and then General Preferences.)
  2. Select the pay types you want included as columns on the Create Paychecks page. Click OK.
  3. Go here.
    (Or click the Payday tab.)
  4. Select the pay schedule if necessary. Now you should see the columns you want on the Create Paychecks page.



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