Paychecks: Tips for creating them efficiently

Tip #1: Try to fit all the deduction and pay type columns on the Create Paychecks page

If you can fit all the columns you need for all employees on the Create Paychecks page, you're in good shape. In that case, all you have to do for each payroll run is to fill in the appropriate boxes for each employee. How do I add columns to the Create Paychecks page?

Tip #2: Create some paychecks with the Check Details icon choice

This tip works well if you have just a few employees with uncommon pay types or deductions. In that case, use the tip above to add the common columns to the Create Paychecks page. Then during a payroll run:

  1. For each employee with uncommon items, click the Check Details icon. On the page that pops open, fill out the hours and amounts and click Create. You'll return to the main Create Paychecks page with that one paycheck marked as needing to be approved.
  2. Fill in the columns for all employees on the Create Paychecks page.. Click Create Paychecks.
  3. Now you can approve all paychecks at once.

If your pay schedule has more than 25 active employees, you'll create paychecks in batches of up to 25. You'll be able to approve all paychecks at once.



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