Set up a contractor with Paycheck Records

Paycheck Records is a website where your individual contractors and employees can view their pay stubs online. Learn more about Paycheck Records

Paycheck Records is available to contractors who are set up as an individual – not a business.

You can give access to Paycheck Records when you add the contractor to Intuit Full Service Payroll or later.

  1. Click the Employees tab.
  2. Scroll down and click the name of the contractor.
  3. Click Edit in the Paycheck Records access section.
  4. Select View pay stubs online.
  5. Enter the contractor's email address and then click Save.
  6. Click Send email in the Send email to window if you want to send the contractor a temporary user ID and password now.

The contractor receives an email with the temporary user ID and password and instructions for signing in to Paycheck Records and creating a new, unique user ID and password.

online payment;online paycheck;online check

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