Delete an obsolete vacation or sick leave policy
You can delete a vacation or sick leave policy only if it is not assigned to anyone.
Before you delete the obsolete policy, be sure you have created any new policies to replace the old one. (You can also assign No sick policy or No vacation policy to employees.)
To delete a vacation or sick leave policy:
Click your company name at the top right, and then click Payroll Settings.
- In the left navigation bar, click Employees.
- Click Pay Policies.
- In the Vacation and Sick Leave Policies box, click Edit next to the vacation or sick leave policy to delete.
- On the Edit Vacation Pay Policy page, click Delete.
If you don't see Delete:- Click the name of an employee who is assigned to the policy and assign him or her a different (or no) policy.
- Repeat until no employees are listed for the policy, and you see a Delete button.
- Click Delete.
See also
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