Make tax payments electronically

To pay taxes electronically, you need to sign up for our electronic services. After your electronic services enrollment is complete, you can approve payments and the funds are automatically withdrawn from your bank account on or before the payment date (depending on whether it's a federal or state tax).

To pay taxes electronically:

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for electronic services. See Sign up for e-file and e-pay.
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Taxes > Payroll Tax. Then click Pay Taxes.

    You'll see a list of taxes that are due.

  3. For the tax you want to pay, click Create Payment.
  4. Verify the tax payment information, and click Approve.

To view tax payments you've made:

Click the Employees tab and choose Taxes & Forms. In the Overview screen, click the link in View Tax Payments you have made. In the navigation bar, click Reports. Then click All Reports > Manage Payroll > Payroll Tax Payments . In the left navigation bar, click Reports, All Reports, Manage Payroll, and then Tax Payments.

How do electronic payments work?


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