Change business entity type

Did you get a new federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) because of a change in businesss structure, like moving from a sole proprietor to a corporation? Or because of a purchase or divestiture of an existing business? If so:

  1. Download the Entity Change Packet and fill it out.
  2. Fax the completed Entity Change Packet and any supporting documents to 877.471.2801
  3. If you're also changing the bank account you use to fund your payroll, contact us (live chat) to make the change in your payroll account.

What happens next

Within 2 to 3 business days, you'll receive an email confirmation that we've received your Entity Change Packet. For any questions about the entity change process, please email

Use your existing account to run payroll until you are contacted by an QuickBooks Online Payroll Full Service agent.

See also