Change legal business address

If your legal business address is changing, be sure to update it in your QuickBooks Online Payroll Full Service account as well as with the government agencies.

In Full Service Payroll

  1. View and print IRS Form 8822-B.

    This form opens in Adobe Reader. The time needed to open the form depends on your Internet connection speed.

  2. Complete, sign, and date the form.
  3. Fax the form to 780.669.5714.

We'll process your address change within 5 business days and contact you if we need any additional info.

With the IRS and state agencies

  1. Mail the form to the IRS per the instructions on the form.
  2. Follow up with your state and local agencies to make the legal address change with your tax accounts.

If you change your address after filing your return, you should notify the post office that services your old address. Because not all post offices forward government checks, notifying the post office that services your old address ensures that your mail is forwarded, but not necessarily your refund check.