Vacation and sick: Set up vacation or sick time policies for the company

First you set up vacation and sick time as company policies. Then you assign the policies to individual employees.

  1. Go here.
    (Or click the Setup tab.)
  2. Click Pay Policies.
  3. In the Vacation and Sick Leave Policies section, click Create.
  4. Add a policy:
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat these steps to create as many policies as your company needs for different categories (vacation or sick leave) and for different circumstances (for example, different rates for earning vacation or sick leave).
  7. After you set up these policies for the company, assign them to individual employees.

Vacation and sick time hours are calculated only when you create paychecks.

So, if you check an employee's vacation or sick time accrual before you've created a paycheck for the employee in January, the employee record won't include any hours accrued in the new year. This is true even if you've defined the policy so that the hours are earned all at once at the beginning of the year. Create the first paycheck and the accrual will be accurate and current.

holiday;time off;flex time



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