Form W-4: Who needs to fill it out? Do I have to file it?

The federal W-4 form is used to determine how much personal income tax the government should withhold from an employee's paychecks. Make sure new employees complete a W-4 form before you create their first paychecks.

To enter the employee's filing status and withholding allowances:

  1. Go here.
    (Or click the Employees tab.)
  2. Click the employee's name.
  3. Find the Taxes & Exemptions section, and click Edit
  4. Enter the employee's filing status and withholding allowances.

To print a Form W-4 for an employee:

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Taxes & Forms > Forms and then Employee Setup.)
  2. Near the bottom of the window, choose the employee's name and then click W-4.
  3. On the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate page, click View.
  4. Print the Form W-4 PDF file.

Keep your employee's completed W-4 for your records. If an employee wants to make changes at a later date, print another form at that time.

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