Getting started: Following and managing the To Do list

The To Do list helps you stay on top of payroll. The list changes over time as you go through your payroll, so you always know what to do next.

When you sign in to our payroll service, the To Do List is the first thing you'll see.

Reminder links

The reminder links on the To Do list help you keep up with payroll tasks. If you click one of the links, it will take you to the place you need to go to complete the task. For important things like tax payments and form filings, we'll also send an email reminder.

Removing reminders

If there are reminders on the To Do list that you want to remove, click the trash can icon () to the right of the item.

If you don't see a trash can next to a reminder, we promise we're not trying to drive you bananas! You might need to do something specific to make the reminder go away. These are some tips for removing the more stubborn items:

Add your own reminders

You can add anything you want to the list, like "Remember to ask Stephanie for her email address so she can see her pay stubs online." Maybe you need to call your accountant to ask a question, or you might need to remember to mail a form. Use the list the way that works for you.

ToDo, To Do



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