Oregon: The Beaver State

Here are some agency and other resources you can use to research payroll, tax, and business information in Oregon (OR). For other states, go to Payroll Resources.

Information Resource

Department of Revenue: Contact Us

Worksource Oregon Centers

Agency Websites

Oregon Department of Revenue

Worksource Oregon: Unemployment Insurance (UI)

Small Business Information

Oregon Small Business Development Centers

Get your company's SUI rate

Employer Handbook (PDF)

UI Employer Information

Forms, Taxes, and Online Services

Oregon Combined Employer's Registration (PDF)

Oregon Tax Employer Reporting System (OTTER)

Oregon Tax Forms and Publications

SUI Tax Rate Notice (Sample)

Move your mouse over the image to see an example Oregon SUI rate notice, or click here to open in a separate window.

Example of an Oregon SUI rate notice

This is only an example — see your own notice for your specific rates.

New Hire Reporting Oregon New Hire Reporting
Workers' Compensation Oregon Workers' Compensation

See also

Payroll resources: Tools, supplies, websites


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