Federal Employer Identification Number: What is it? How do I get one?

A federal Employer Identification Number (or EIN) is a number assigned by the federal government to an employer to track payroll tax liabilities and payments.

All employers are required to have one — an EIN is not the same as your Social Security Number.

What if I don't have a federal EIN?

The fastest and best way to get one is to apply online at the IRS website where you will be given your EIN immediately.

You can also fill out Form SS-4 and wait several weeks:

  1. Go here.
    (Or choose Taxes & Forms > Forms and then Employer Setup.)
  2. Click SS-4, and then view and print the form.
  3. Call the IRS at 800.829.4933, or fax the completed form using the fax number in the Form SS-4 area of the IRS website. We recommend faxing for your request, because agencies are sometimes hard to reach by phone.



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