Direct deposit: Employee authorization form

direct deposit;DD;online payment;online paycheck;online check;direct deposit form; direct deposit authorization form;

To set up an employee for direct deposit, you need to get the employee's authorization and gather the employee's bank information. Later, you'll enter the information you gathered to set up the employee for direct deposit.

Print an Authorization for Direct Deposit form for each employee to sign (for your records)

  1. Go here.
    (Or, choose Taxes & Forms > Employee and Contractor Setup.)

  2. Click Bank Verification under Authorization for Direct Deposit.
  3. Click View, and then print a copy of the form for each employee.

Ask each employee to fill out, sign, and date the form. Have each employee attach a voided check to the form so you can get the necessary bank account information.

If an employee wants to deposit their pay into two separate bank accounts, ask them to attach a voided check for each account.

Don't send this form to us — it's for your records only. Keep the signed authorization form with each employee's record.

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